Call to HUMA Units:
HRC Postdoctoral Fellowship

Deadline: Monday, December 2, 2024


In order to advance the Humanities Research Center’s culture of interdisciplinary conversation and collaboration, the HRC invites departments, centers, and programs in the School of Humanities at Rice University to submit a proposal to house one HRC postdoctoral associate. 


  • Units currently housing and funding their own postdoctoral associate(s) are welcome to apply but must state why they need HRC support for another position.
  • Units with their own endowments that support or are able to support postdoctoral associates are welcome to have their postdocs join our community but are ineligible for this call (i.e., an HRC-funded postdoctoral associate).
  • Units housing an HRC postdoctoral or post-MFA associate in 2024–25 are ineligible to apply.
  • Departments, centers, and programs fully outside the School of Humanities are ineligible to apply.
  • The proposal should come from a unit, not individual faculty members; however, we expect at least one faculty member within the proposing unit to be designated as the mentor for the postdoctoral associate.

Requirements and position specifications:

Proposing units should be prepared to commit between $3,000 and $5,000 for relocation and/or research funds per year.

Joint proposals between units are also welcome (though not required), particularly in cases where they advance collaboration between units or forge new connections between departments, centers, or programs.

One proposal will be selected based on how it develops or strengthens emerging and promising areas of instruction and inquiry within the School, and how the unit has a need for such a position and funds.

This position is for the period from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026, with the possibility of renewal for a second year (subject to performance review). It is a full-time position with a 1/1 teaching load and is benefits-eligible. The HRC postdoctoral associate will receive an annual salary of $70,000.

Due to restrictions on our source of funding, this line can only support candidates who hold a Ph.D. Applicants must have their terminal degree (Ph.D.) in hand by June 30, 2025.

Application materials:

To submit a proposal to host a Humanities Research Center postdoctoral associate, the eligible unit must submit the following materials:

  • A statement of purpose and need (no more than 3 pages), which must include:
    • how this postdoctoral associate will address a curricular gap, including outlining a pre-existing course the associate would be able to teach or co-teach in their first semester at Rice (FWIS courses for the first semester are also encouraged);
    • how they may contribute to interdisciplinarity in the Humanities at Rice; and
    • specification of need and available funds for support of postdoctoral associates.
  • A brief mentorship plan (no more than 2 pages), identifying a designated faculty mentor, professional development plan, and progress assessment methods and benchmarks (see example from the Medical Humanities).


Proposals for the HRC postdoctoral associate placement are due on Monday, December 2, 2024. Applicant units will be notified by December 20, 2024.


Calls for applicants will be published in January 2025. Applications will be due in late February. A joint committee with selected members from the HRC and the unit will be assembled by the application due date. The joint committee will review, interview, and select finalists. The selected postdoctoral associate will be notified by April 1, 2025.


Questions? Email Gabriela Garcia at