Rice Humanities Postdoctoral Associates
Visiting Speakers, Workshops and Symposia Grant Program

Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025, 11:59 PM

The Humanities Research Center offers competitive funding for in-person or remote visiting speakers, workshops, symposia, and other initiatives in the humanities and arts that pursue intra- or interdisciplinary inquiry and exchange.

The HRC accepts proposals on any topic within the purview of the humanities and the arts under this grant program. If your project is related to the HRC's theme of Repair and will take place in Spring and/or Summer 2025, we encourage you to submit your proposal as part of our Repair program at hrc.rice.edu/theme.

Applicants from units that conjoin schools should ascertain and pursue possibilities for cost-sharing with the partner school.


Postdoctoral associates and post-MFA fellows in the School of Humanities are eligible to apply. Collaborations across departments within the Humanities are encouraged. Preference will be given to interdisciplinary projects, cross-unit applications (co-PIs from different departments), and/or projects that involve some graduate or undergraduate student participation.

Parameters for reading groups:

For reading group proposals, be realistic in expectations about how often people will meet. Given all the various demands that faculty, postdoc/post-MFA fellows, and graduate students face, we do not deem weekly or biweekly meetings to be feasible. Please ensure you include a tentative list of participants (confirmed and/or potential) and their affiliations in your project description, and be realistic about cost estimates.

Proposal guidelines:

  • Project title
  • Project type (symposium, lecture, workshops, etc.)
  • Project description and budget as a single PDF (no more than 3 pages or 10MB):
    • Project description of no more than 500 words, including the following information:
      • ​​​project overview
      • whether you are planning for an in-person or remote event
      • projected event date(s)
      • the envisioned audience for the project (faculty, grads, undergrads, the wider public, etc.)
      • names and departments/affiliations of confirmed and/or potential participants/collaborators
    • Budget that indicates:

Please note that the HRC does not administer grants, and we currently cannot offer staff support. We now ask that applicants submit a staffing plan outlining which staff member(s) will provide administrative support for the grant and the event (via the proposal submission form). We also ask that you secure approval from the head of the staff member's unit (e.g., department chair) to use the staff member's time toward the proposed project.

The HRC generally makes awards of up to $5,000. Under exceptional circumstances, the HRC will consider a higher award amount. Budgets should consider that HRC funds support numerous events each academic year and are in high demand. Sums approved for visiting lectures, workshops, and conferences will depend on the scope and size of the event proposed. Award amounts will also depend on the applicant pool and the availability of funds. Applicants are encouraged to seek funding from units across campus in addition to any requests made to the HRC. Applicants for larger projects that envision budgets over $10,000 should consider funding from Creative VenturesClick here for a list of funding resources for faculty in the School of Humanities (Rice login required).

For events in the Spring and Summer semesters, please apply by the previous Fall deadline. For events in the Fall, please apply by the previous Spring deadline.


Questions? Please contact Dr. Gabriela Garcia at gabriela.garcia@rice.edu.