The Humanities Research Center offers competitive funding for remote or in-person visiting speakers, workshops or conferences during the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. Please include brief information on the envisioned audience for your proposed event (faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, the wider public) and how the event will advance disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary inquiry and exchange.


Faculty and PhD students in the humanities, or eligible to apply. Collaborations across departments are encouraged; if more than one person is applying, please designate a single faculty member as the primary applicant for administrative purposes. Preference will be given to proposals that are likely to lead to further collaborations and involve student participation.

Application Materials:

  • Symposium, lecture, or speaker series title
  • Description of no more than 500 words.
  • Budget that indicates:
    • whether planning is for remote or in-person event;
    • anticipated use of the requested funds;
    • all funds sought or secured from other sources.
  • Names and contact information of confirmed or potential participants/collaborators.
  • Projected event dates.

Budgets should consider that HRC funds support numerous events each academic year and are in high demand. Sums approved for visiting lectures, workshops and conference will depend on the scope and size of the event proposed. For projects that envision budgets over $10K, funding from other sources will generally be required.

Please compile the application materials into a single pdf document and upload below.


Friday, October 29, 2021 and Monday, January 24, 2022