October 18, 2017: Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation

November 1, 2017: Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

November 29, 2017: Vilém Flusser, "My Atlas"; Boris Groys, "From Image to Image File - And Back: Art in the Age of Digitalization"; Brian Maussumi, "Realer than Real: The Simulacrum According to Deleuze and Guattari"

January 11, 2018: David Bodenhamer, "The Potential of Spatial Humanities"; Ian Gregory, "Conclusions: From Historical GIS to Spatial Humanities: Challenges and Opportunities"

January 16, 2018: Heather Richards-Rissetto, "An iterative 3DGIS Analysis of the Role of Visibility in Ancient Maya Landscapes: A Case Study from Copan, Honduras"; Jean François de Bastide, La Petite Maison

January 23, 2018: Chet Van Duzer, "The Ptolemaic Wall Map: A Lost Tradition of Renaissance Cartography"; "Bring on the Monsters and Marvels: Non-Ptolemaic Legends on Manuscript Maps of Ptolemy's Geography"; Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps

January 30, 2018: Meredith Cohen, "Metropolitan Architecture, Demographics, and the Urban Identity of Paris in the Thirteenth Century"; Paris Past and Present

February 13, 2018: David Pike, "Modernist Space and the Transformation of Underground London" and "Sewage Treatments: Vertical Space and Waste in Nineteenth-Century Paris and London"    

February 20, 2018: Georges Perec, Species of Spaces and Other Pieces

February 27, 2018: Henri Lefebvre, Writings on Cities; Jorge Luis Borges, "The Immortal"

March 1, 2018: Gaston Bachelard, Poetics of Space

March 6, 2018: Chandra Mukerji, “Space and Political Pedagogy at the Gardens of Versailles”; “Territorial Politics,” in Impossible Engineering: Technology and Territoriality on the Canal du Midi 

March 20, 2018: Elaine Sullivan and Lisa M. Snyder, "An Experiment in Publication and Peer Review of Interactive, Three-Dimensional Content"; Digital Karnak

March 27, 2018: Shannon Mattern, Code + Clay ... Data + Dirt: Five Thousand Years of Urban Media

April 3, 2018: Dossin, Catherine, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, and Sorin A. Matei. “Spatial (Digital) History: A Total History? The ARTL@S Project"; Saint-Raymond, Léa; Félicie de Maupeou; and Julien Cavero. "Les rues des tableaux: The Geography of the Parisian Art Market 1815-1955"; Dossin, Catherine and Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel. “The German Century? How a Geopolitical Approach Could Transform the History of Modernism"

April 10, 2018: Simon Winchester, The Map that Changed the World: William Smith and the Birth of Modern Geology

April 17, 2018: Caroline Bruzelius, “Digital Technologies and New Evidence in Architectural History"; “Teaching with Visualization Technologies: How Does Information Become Knowledge?"; “Project and Process in Medieval Construction”; TEDxDuke Talk on Visual Space and Technology

April 24, 2018: Joshua Kotin, Mapping Expatriate Paris; Christic, Alex and Katie Tanigawa, "Mapping Modernism's Z-Axis: A Model for Spatial Analysis in Modernist Studies," in Shawna Ross, ed., Reading Modernism with Machines: Digital Humanities and Modernist Literature

November 15, 2018: Monique Chatenet, "The King's Space: The Etiquette of Interviews at the French Court in the Sixteenth Century"; Pierre Bourdieu's "Social Space and Symbolic Power"

January 16, 2019: Julia Daniels, Building Natures: Modern American Poetry, Landscape Architecture, and City Planning

February 13, 2019: Miwon Kwon, "One Place After Another: Notes on Site Specificity"; Alex Ross, "Making the Wall Disappear: A Stunning Live Performance at the US.-Mexico Border"; John Luther Adams, "The Immeasurable Space of Tones."