Call for Papers

The symposium series consists of four strands:

7 May 2021

The Body in Psychoanalysis
With a lecture by Dr. Jamieson Webster
The New School

14 May 2021

The Medicalized Body
With a lecture by Prof. Christopher Lane
Northwestern University

21 May 2021

The Body in Activism
With a lecture by Venus Ginés

Founder and President, Día de la Mujer Latina

28 May 2021

The Body in Poetry
With a lecture and poetry reading by Dr. Travis Chi Wing Lau

Kenyon College

Each lecture is paired with a workshop session, in which participant are invited to discuss their work-in-progress with peers and keynote lecturers, either through a pre-circulated draft or in a short presentation. We welcome a wide range of work, from the academic article draft to the spoken word poem, from meditations on doctor-patient relationships to community activism.

To participate in one of the four workshop sessions, please sign up through the form linked here by April 16, 2021.

Download our poster to print and post in your department.